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Desperate Measures: How Democrats Keep a Frail Candidate in Power! Sad footage from Vietnam 😮🏛️


Throughout history, the pursuit and preservation of political power have often led individuals and parties to take extraordinary measures. While these actions are not confined to any specific ideology or party, a historical example within the Democratic Party sheds light on the lengths to which some will go to maintain their grip on power.

One prominent example from Democratic Party history is the case of Lyndon B. Johnson, the 36th President of the United States. Johnson’s path to power and his tactics to keep it are indicative of the intricate links between political ambition and power preservation.

Johnson’s ascent to power was marked by his shrewdness and ability to navigate the complex world of American politics. As a senator from Texas, he skillfully wielded his influence in Congress, often employing what came to be known as the “Johnson Treatment” – a mixture of persuasion, arm-twisting, and charm that aimed to secure support for his political agenda.

However, it was during his vice presidency under John F. Kennedy that Johnson’s quest for power truly came into play. Following Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, Johnson ascended to the presidency, and he wasted no time in using his position to push through groundbreaking legislation, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. These moves were not only aimed at advancing civil rights but also at solidifying his party’s base and securing support from African American voters.

Johnson’s determination to maintain power also extended to his tactics during the 1964 Democratic National Convention. Facing opposition from within his own party, particularly from anti-segregationist Democrats, he employed a combination of strong-arming and deal-making to secure the nomination.

This historical example serves as a reminder that the quest for political power can drive individuals and parties to take calculated and sometimes controversial actions, including supporting candidates who may be in poor health or not in full control of their mental state. While such actions may not be exclusive to any particular party, they underscore the importance of remaining vigilant and holding those in power accountable to ensure that the principles of democracy are upheld. In the end, the pursuit of power should be balanced with a commitment to the greater good and the democratic process, without compromising the well-being and capacity of those who lead.

Trudeau’s Little Known U-Turn on Gun Control: What Drove the Prime Minister’s Radical Shift?


In a surprising turn of events, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made a dramatic shift in his stance on gun control. The once-moderate leader has taken a much stronger position on firearms regulation, leaving many wondering what prompted this abrupt change.

Trudeau’s transformation can be attributed to a series of compelling factors. First and foremost, the growing concern over gun violence in Canada has forced him to reevaluate his views. Incidents like the 2018 Toronto van attack and the 2020 Nova Scotia shooting shook the nation and ignited demands for stricter gun control measures.

During the 2019 federal election campaign, Trudeau made significant promises regarding gun control, pledging to ban military-style assault weapons and implement other stringent measures. This commitment signaled a clear departure from his earlier stance.

Advocacy groups and communities affected by gun violence have also played a pivotal role in shaping Trudeau’s evolving perspective. Their relentless efforts to raise awareness and push for change have been instrumental in swaying the Prime Minister’s views.

Additionally, international examples of effective gun control, such as Australia’s buyback program following the Port Arthur massacre, have provided Trudeau with inspiration and a potential blueprint for successful policy implementation.

Collaboration with other political parties and provinces has allowed Trudeau to build a broader coalition of support for his gun control agenda. This approach has made it politically viable for him to adopt more stringent measures.

Trudeau’s sudden shift on gun control is a reflection of the dynamic and evolving nature of politics, where leaders must respond to changing public sentiment and address pressing societal concerns. For the latest updates on Trudeau’s stance and its impact on Canada, stay tuned to our coverage.

“SHOCKING Revelation: Fauci’s U-Turn on Pandemic Shutdown Advice EXPOSED! 👀”


The decision-making process that led to Dr. Anthony Fauci advising President Donald Trump on measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic was a complex and multifaceted one. Dr. Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, played a pivotal role as a trusted public health expert during this critical period.

In early 2020, as the pandemic began to spread rapidly in the United States, Dr. Fauci and his colleagues relied on data and scientific evidence to formulate their recommendations. They monitored infection rates, hospitalizations, and the evolving understanding of the virus’s transmission. Initially, there were debates within the scientific community about the best course of action.

As cases surged, Dr. Fauci and other health officials faced the challenging task of conveying the gravity of the situation to the President and the American public. This involved presenting models and projections that demonstrated the potential consequences of inaction, including overwhelmed healthcare systems and high mortality rates.

Dr. Fauci’s guidance was influenced by his commitment to protecting public health while recognizing the economic and social implications of shutting down the country. Ultimately, his advice to implement restrictions and lockdown measures was aimed at “flattening the curve” to slow the virus’s spread and prevent a healthcare catastrophe.

The decision to advise President Trump to shut down the country was not made lightly. It involved a careful consideration of the available data, consultations with other experts, and a recognition of the unprecedented nature of the pandemic. Dr. Fauci’s role in this process exemplified the importance of relying on science and expertise in times of crisis.

It’s worth noting that in the aftermath of the pandemic response, there have been instances where Dr. Fauci clarified his role and statements. While he provided guidance and recommendations based on scientific evidence, he later emphasized that the decision to implement lockdown measures ultimately rested with the President and state governors. Dr. Fauci has consistently stressed the importance of a collaborative approach in managing public health crises, where the decision-making process involves multiple stakeholders. His evolving statements reflect the complexity of navigating a rapidly changing and unprecedented situation like the COVID-19 pandemic, where the understanding of the virus and the best course of action evolved over time.